What to know the 2024 Pink Full Moon

Image credit: Pinterest

Image credit: Pinterest

The April full moon, known as the "pink" moon, is set to rise soon after its role in the total solar eclipse.

Despite its name, the moon won't actually appear pink to the naked eye; it will appear golden near the horizon and white overhead.

The name "pink moon" originates from the herb moss pink, also known as creeping phlox, a widespread spring flower.

The Maine Farmers' Almanac began publishing Native American names for full moons in the 1930s, and these names are now widely recognized.

Each full moon has its own name based on nature's cues, and the April full moon is known as the pink moon.

Creeping phlox, the plant after which the moon is named, thrives in sandy or rocky soils and is used as ground cover.

Other names for the April full moon include the sprouting grass moon, the egg moon, and the fish moon among coastal tribes.

The full moon will occur on Tuesday, April 23, at 7:49 p.m. EDT, and will appear full for about three days.

Native Americans, among others, named the months after natural events, and these names have persisted through history.

Understanding the origin of the pink moon's name adds a layer of cultural and natural significance to this celestial event.

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