2006  The Three Gorges Dam is officially opened

1983  In South Africa, a car bomb planted by anti-Apartheid activists kills 19

1970 100,000 people march in New York, supporting U.S. policies in Vietnam.

1969 In South Vietnam, troops of the 101st Airborne Division reach the top of Hill 937 after nine days of fighting entrenched North Vietnamese forces.

1961 A white mob attacks civil rights activists in Montgomery, Alabama.

1951 During the Korean War, U.S. Air Force Captain James Jabara becomes the first jet air ace in history.

1942 Japan completes the conquest of Burma.

1941 Germany invades Crete by air.

1940  The first prisoners arrive at Auschwitz concentration camp

1939 Pan American Airways starts the first regular passenger service across the Atlantic.

1932 Amelia Earhart lands near Londonderry, Ireland, to become the first woman fly solo across the Atlantic.

1930 The first airplane is catapulted from a dirigible.

1927 Charles Lindbergh takes off from New York for Paris.

1908 Jimmy Stewart, actor (It’s a Wonderful Life, Mr Smith Goes to Washington).

1902 The U.S. military occupation of Cuba ends.