1967 U.S. planes bomb Hanoi for the first time.

1964 U.S. diplomats find at least 40 microphones planted in the American embassy in Moscow.

1963  Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail is published

1962  Marilyn Monroe performs her famous rendition of Happy Birthday

1959  The North Vietnamese Army begins organizing the Ho Chi Minh trail

1941 Nora Ephron, screenwriter and director.

1941 Jane Brody, food and health writer. 

1935 The National Football League adopts an annual college draft to begin in 1936.

1934 James Lehrer, broadcast journalist.

1925 Malcolm X (Malcolm Little), African-American activist.

1921 Congress sharply curbs immigration, setting a national quota system.

1919  Mustafa Kemal Atatürk sets off the Turkish War of Independence