1989  Thousands of students begin a hunger strike on Tiananmen Square in Beijing

1981  Pope John Paul II survives an assassination attempt

1968 Peace talks between the United States and North Vietnam begin in Paris.

1958 French troops take control of Algiers.

1950  The first Formula One World Championship season kicks off

1944 Allied forces in Italy break through the German Gustav Line into the Liri Valley.

1940 Bruce Chatwin, travel writer (Patagonia).

1940  Igor Sikorsky pilots his VS-300 helicopter's maiden flight

1914 Joe Louis, world heavyweight boxing champion from 1937 to 1949.

1913 Igor Sikorsky flies the first four-engine aircraft.

1912 Gil Evans, jazz pianist and composer.

1912 The Royal Flying Corps is established in England. 

1909 The Royal Flying Corps is established in England. 

1907 Daphne du Maurier, author (Rebecca).