1969 Charles de Gaulle resigns as president of France.

1967 Muhammad Ali refuses induction into the U.S. Army and is stripped of his boxing title.

1965 The U.S. Army and Marines invade the Dominican Republic.

1953 French troops evacuate northern Laos.

1947 Norwegian anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl and five others set out in a balsa wood craft known as Kon Tiki to prove that Peruvian Indians could have settled in Polynesia.

1946 The Allies indict Tojo on 55 counts of war crimes

1945 Benito Mussolini is killed by Italian partisans.

1937 Jean Redpath, Scottish folk singer.

1937 Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq. 

1936 Kenneth White, poet and essayist.

1932 A yellow fever vaccine for humans is announced.

1930 James Baker III, Cabinet secretary for Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.

1930 The first organized night baseball game is played in Independence, Kansas. 

1926 Harper Lee, Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist (To Kill a Mockingbird).

1920 Azerbaijan joins the Soviet Union.

1919 Les Irvin makes the first jump with an Army Air Corps parachute.

1916 British declare martial law throughout Ireland.

1912 Odette Hallowes, British secret agent.

1910 The first night air flight is performed by Claude Grahame-White in England.

1902 Johan Borgen, Norwegian novelist.

1902  Revolution breaks out in the Dominican Republic.