Monday witnessed the year's first solar eclipse, visible in the US, Mexico, and Canada. 

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The eclipse occurred as the moon obscured the sun, causing darkness during the day. 

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Astronomers, both terrestrial and space-based, were captivated by this celestial event. 

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Renowned entrepreneur Elon Musk shared a rare video capturing this cosmic spectacle. 

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The solar eclipse appeared as a dark spot from space, resembling a blemish on Earth. 

The total solar eclipse of 2024 will be visible across a 185-kilometer stretch between Mexico, the US, and Canada, with 18 US states getting the opportunity to see it.

Millions across America, Canada, and Mexico observed the rare total solar eclipse.

A solar eclipse happens when the Moon's shadow falls on Earth, creating a "path of totality" where the Sun is completely covered by the Moon.

NASA live-streamed the event, showcasing the eclipse's appearance from the International Space Station, highlighting the profound darkness caused by the moon's shadow on Earth.

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What to know the 2024 total Solar Eclipse