All Photos Credits-Instagram

Josefina Córdoba, a 22-year-old English translation student and entrepreneur, has been crowned Miss Universe Atlantic Coast.

Josefina shares her excitement on social media, expressing her belief in the power of dreams.

She emphasizes that destiny ensures everything falls into place, encouraging others to dream big and appreciate each wonderful moment.

Josefina feels honored to represent the Atlantic Coast, a region known for its beauty and historical significance as a migration gateway to Argentina.

She reflects on the arrival of hundreds of ships that brought new inhabitants, dreams, and projects, contributing to the nation's development.

Committed to her role, Josefina pledges to represent her region with dedication and gratitude, acknowledging her loved ones and supporters.

 As the concentration week approaches, she promises to give her best effort, highlighting her determination and enthusiasm.

The Atlantic Coast, beyond being a tourist destination, holds a special place in Argentina's history as a melting pot of cultures and aspirations.

 Josefina's journey as Miss Universe Atlantic Coast is not just a personal achievement but also a tribute to the region's heritage and potential.

She aims to inspire others with her story, showcasing that with perseverance and support, it is possible to achieve remarkable dreams.