All Photos Credits-Instagram

Agustina Fernández, 28, from the Andes Mountains, is a student in education and a fashion entrepreneur.

She represents women in education and fashion, blending personal passion with professional career.

Agustina is a role model, using her platform to influence global leadership.

She shared her wonderful experience at @garciadelmaresto, praising the incredible hospitality and delicious food.

The popular voting for Miss Universe Argentina has started on the @missuniversoar app.

Agustina's photo is number 7, and she encourages everyone to vote for her.

She expresses her happiness in showcasing one of Argentina's most beautiful landscapes.

Representing the Los Andes Range, her trip aimed to promote its beauty for potential travelers.

Agustina hopes her video about the Los Andes Range will be enjoyed by her audience.

She thanks everyone for their support and invites them to join her journey in Miss Universe Argentina.